Design Solution
To address the identified issues, the first significant improvement was streamlining the flow from two emails to a single, impactful email. This revised email immediately greeted new members and presented them with a compelling offer: a 5 euro discount.
In terms of user experience, the design focused on simplicity and clarity. Four smaller call-to-action (CTA) buttons were replaced with a single prominent CTA button. This change allowed for a more streamlined and intuitive interaction.
The analysis revealed a significant increase in voucher usage following the implementation of the new email design.
Comparing the data from P1 (weeks 34-36, 2021) with the old email design, the voucher usage rate stood at 26%. During P2 (weeks 40-42, 2021), the voucher usage rate saw a slight increase, reaching 28%.
In Period 1 of the following year, with the same old email design, the voucher usage rate stood at 29%. After the switch to the new email design in Period 2 of the subsequent year, the voucher usage rates kyrocketed to 43.0%. This signifies an almost 50% boost in voucher utilization compared to the old email design.

Key takeaways
This project highlighted the effectiveness of fine-tuning the welcome flow by reducing it to a single email instead of two. The streamlined approach proved to be more successful in encouraging voucher redemption and improving the overall user experience.
By consolidating the welcome flow into a single email, reducing the number of touchpoints increased clarity and reduced potential confusion for new members.
The UX design played a crucial role in the success of the project. Elements such as a clear call-to-action button, cohesive visual branding, and well-explained instructions for voucher redemption greatly influenced user behavior and engagement.